How to code a restaurant map with filters, using React.JS Hooks
We start by thinking like a user of such application.
I, foodie, have a few hours to spare in a part of town I seldom go to. My stomach is grunting. I must put food in it. I open a new tab on my browser of choice, go to, a restaurant map appears.
Usaremos el mismo template de este blog, gatsby-starter-blog para la aplicación web.
We will use the same template this blog is using, gatsby-starter-blog.
Bad idea. Al parecer, componentDidUpdate está en desuso. Let’s go with Hooks.
Hooks it is. Pero tuvimos que usar axios en lugar de Async. Llevamos estas dos deudas técnicas:
• por qué no native fetch en lugar de axios?
• Un global state manager
Y, después de 3 horas de ir y venir, esto es lo que ocurre:
import { Map, TileLayer } from 'react-leaflet';
import L from 'leaflet';
Ok, pero, ¿cómo usamos eso?
Vamos a la documentación:
Leaflet nos deja trazar círculos sobre los mapas.
Solo un detalle:
El mapa es un bonus.
Hay tres bonus:
- Share and like FB buttons
- Map with statistic info
- Map with recommendations and a rating based filter.
Entonces vamos a enfocarnos en los componentes y el prototipo de los datos.
Esto es <RestaurantCard />
Pero antes…
Ya andamos con
y un layout para
Gracias, gente de stack overflow
ok esto se esta complicando demasiado
OK, ya casi.
I’m looking into a mobx quick start book. At the very least, I will do the bonus 1 challenge.
I want to show that I can code a scalable web application.
Observable state
Watch out for decorator syntax!
necesito ganarme el derecho a name droppear ‘mobx’
pero antes necesito trabajar en el estilo de la aplicación
Let’s work on
¿What is the difference between import with and without {}?
We need to go back to
It took me longer than usual. Why?
That’s a topic for another post.
For now, let’s keep going.
We have a barely aceptable layout design.
We will focus on adding mobX so that we can have a global state
With a global state, we can have a Map component.
Mobx its cool and all, but we’ll go with hooks.
Also, we need to get rid of react-rewired, because it produces babel conflicts with ReactMapGL
jajaja que?
npm install react-mapbox-gl mapbox-gl —save
import ‘mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css’
I spent a non-trivial amount of time debugging when my mistake was writing heigth instead of height, wow.
I was also doing this
const [state, dispatch] = useContext(Context);
instead of this
const {state, dispatch} = useContext(Context);